The Creative Block And Overcoming The Demons Within

Who hasn’t heard of the creative block? It is the very bane of the creator’s experience. Be it an artist, a writer, a screen-writer, a photographer or a film-maker, everyone has days or weeks when they seem to have hit the wall and the creative juices stopped flowing. We have all hit the creative block at some point in our life, so how do you vanquish this age-old enemy? Here are my thoughts:

Practicing Mindfulness And A Zest For Life

Practicing Mindfulness And A Zest For Life-Shaarad Patel

Currently, mental health is a trending topic both on social media and in real life as people are grappling with numerous issues in the post-pandemic world.

On one hand, this has opened up debates and discussions that were previously untouched upon, on the other we need to be unafraid to talk about emotional health.

Here is my opinion on practicing mindfulness and a zest for life –

Navigating The New Normal

NAVIGATING THE NEW NORMAL-Sharad Patel-Film Producer in India

With the lockdown relaxed to a great extent and things seem to be heading back to normalcy, a phrase that is thrown around too casually is the ‘new normal’ post-COVID. Since we are living through unusual and challenging times, navigating the new normal requires faith and some bold moves that help you foster the security of your business/art/endeavor and be future-ready. Here is my take on navigating the new normal –